Sunday, January 30, 2011

Title: The Summoning (1st Book In Darkest Powers Series)
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Pages: 390
Published: July 1st 2008
My Rating: A
Summary: After years of frequent moves following her moms death, Chloe Saunders's life is finally settling down. She attending art school, pursuing her dreams of becoming a movie director, making friends, meeting boys. Her biggest concern is that she's not developing as fast as her friends are. But when puberty does hit, it brings more than hormone changes.
My Review: So this isn't the whole summary, but i'm lazy at this moment so I just got this off of goodreads haha. Anyways.. OMG!! This was like the bestest book ever! I am in completely obssesed. this was the first book I read on the kindle. It goes by very fast! I read this in 1 day. I loved it i'm defenitley going to read the rest of the books!.

So Chloe Saunders is like 15 and one day in school she Finally gets her period<-- (Eww gross) Haha anyways she see's this wierdo guy and he's yelling at her and following her. Her teachers see her going "crazy" and they send her to Lyle House. Long story short she finds out she is a necromancer wich is that she can bring up dead people from there grave and the house has a big myster! It ended very good but, I think it could have been more of a cliffhanger. But I Loooooooooooooooooooveeeeddddd!! this book I definetly reccomend!(:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Trailer Thursday

Living Dead Girl By Elizabeth Scott.

Living Dead Girl, Elizabeth Scott

Title: Living Dead Girl
Author: Elizabeth Scott
Pages: 170
Published: September 2, 2008
My Rating: A
Summary: When Alice was ten, Ray took her away from her family, her friends her life. She learned to give up all power, to endure all pain. She waited for the nightmare to be over.
Now Alice is 15 and Ray still has her, but he speaks more and more of her death. He does not know what it is she longs for. She does not know he has something more terrifying than death in mind for her. This is Alice's story. It is one you have never heard, and one you will never, ever forget.
My Review: This book was crazy! But crazy good! Haha it is the sadest thing ever!

So there is this guy named Ray, and this girl "Alice" and he kidnapped her from a field trip. He names all his girls Alice. She is pretty much his sex slave. But he says he's her dad. He says he loves her and stuff. Then she goes to the park and picks out Rays new victim. A little girl named Lucy. Ray calls her Annabel, So they make a plan to go the park at 6 and kidnapp her. But before that Lucy's brother Jake and Alice talk he said he will protect her. So Ray and her go to the park Lucy is there. Alice tells her to run Ray gets mad. Then Jake Pops out of the bush with a gun but Ray beats him up.

Well if you can't tell.. Jake shoots Ray and Alice(Kyla) Is Free.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Generation Dead, Daniel Waters

Title: Generation Dead
Author: Daniel Waters
Pages: 392
Published: May 6th 2008
My Rating: C (for now)

So this isn't actually gonna be a review. I Didn't finish this book.
I read to page like 72. I know I should give it more time, but i'm not in the mood! I'ts no the number one book on my list so i'll finish it in the future.
But i'ts about this school that has a few "living impaired" people(zombies)
and one tries out for the football team and alot of people don't like it and blah blah! Soo yeah!(:

Teaser Tuesday!

This is my first teaser tuesday!
"You can walk away, Adam," he said to Adams back, "but i'm not done".
I'm not gonna let that charming pale young flower lie down with a corpse.
- Generation Dead, Daniel Waters!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Impulse, Ellen Hopkins

Title: Impulse
Author: Ellen Hopkins
Published: January 23, 2007
My Rating: B
Summary: Aspen Springs Physciatric Hospital is a place for people who have played an ultimate end game. The suicide attempt survivors portrayed in this novel tell starkly different stories, but these three embattled teens share a desperate need for a second chance. 
My Review: 
So I gave this book a B beacuase it was kind of predictable. There are 2 boys and 1 girl, Tony, Conner, and Vanessa. It shows all of there points of few living on Aspen Springs.Tony is gay and does drugs. Vanessa cuts herself very bad, and Conner tried shooting himself in the chest but didn't succeed. The end was crazy sad! But I don't know I kind of knew it was coming. So I guess i'll give away some spoilers.

***Spoilers*** .............................  
Vanessa and Tony fall in love. Conner stops taking his meds and at one point he thinks about everything bad in his life. So when they go on a camping trip in the mountains.. Conner steps over the edge.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Burned, Ellen Hopkins

Title: Burned
Author: Ellen Hopkins
Pages: 532
Published: March 28th 2006
My Rating: A
Summary: Raised in a religious--yet abusive-- family, Pattyn Von Stratten starts asking questions-- about god, a womens role, sex, love. She experiences the first stirrings of passion, but when her father catches her in a compromising position, events spiral out of control. Pattyn is sent to live with an aunt in the wilds of Nevada to find salvation and redemption. What she finds instead is love and acceptance-- until she realizes that her old demons won't let her go.
My Review: Omg this book is fantastic! I loved it! Is there a series? This should definetly be a series.

Okay so Pattyn is part of a mormon family she has seven sisters. Pattyn starts to date this guy her dad finds out and she has to live with her aunt who is ten times nicer. She meets some guy named Ethan and they fall in love it it so adorable! But the end was heart breaking! You have to read it!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Glass, Ellen Hopkins

Title: Glass
Author: Ellen Hopkins
Pages: 681
Published: Aug. 21 2007
My Rating: A
Summary: Kristina thinks she can control it. Now with a baby to care for, she's determined to be the one deciding when, and how much, the one calling the shots. But the monster is too strong, and before she knows it, Kristina is back in its grips. She needs the monster to keep going, to face the pressures of day to day life. She needs to feel alive.
My Review:  So this book.. Wow! It was great a great sequel to the awesome book Crank. Crank is a trilogy: Crank, Glass, and Fallout.

Kristina is of course with the 'monster' again. Her mom asks custody of her baby, she moves in with her new 'fiance'. Trey is her new guy. And chase is now married. And the end is no big shocker, she ends up in jail... And pregnant. But to me she can't even take care of Hunter! Sometimes she gets me so angry. Like, put down that meth and go back home! But everything just goes totally downhill. I can't wait to read Fallout!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fragment Fridays! <---- Thats a link to a fragment friday video on my youtube. It pretty much explains everything. I will have videos of Fragment Fridays on here but not my youtube. <-- That is the blog that hosts Fragment Fridays. Now i'll explain them.
You make a video of the book your currently reading or your favorite. Your read a little section of it aloud. Usually like the first chapter or so. So I will be starting Fragment Fridays this coming Friday. So stay tuned!(:

Wintergirls, Laurie Halse Anderson

Author:Laurie Halse Anderson
Published: March 19, 2009
My Rating:B
Summary: LIA AND CASSIE were best friends wintergirls frozen in matchstick bodies. But now Cassie is dead. Lia's mother is to busy saving other people's lives. Her father is away on business. Her stepmother is clueless. And the voice inside Lia's head keeps telling her to remain in control, stay strong, lose more, weigh less. If she keeps on going this way- thin, thinner, thinest- maybe she'll disappear all together.
My Review: This books was good. I think i'm a little more dissapointed beacuase I had high expectations for this. And I was also kind of disstracted with it. But the end really drew me in. It's a very emotional book. She's dealing with anorexia and cutting it's terrible! But I would reccomend!

I still really love Laurie Halse Anderson's style of writing. I can't wait to read more of her books.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Split, Swati Avasthi

Author:Swati Avasthi
Published: March 9,2010
Age Group:Young Adult 13+
My Rating:B- Good
Summary:Sixteen-Year old Jace Witherspoon arrives at the doorstep of is estranged brother, Christian, with a re-landscaped face(courtesy of his father), $3.84, and a secret. He tries to move on, going for new friends, a new school, and a new job, but all his changes can't make him forget what he left behind. His mother is still trapped with hid dad. And his ex-girlfriend is keeping his secret- for now. Turns out there are some things you can't just walk away from.  
My Review: So like it said this books starts with Jace at his brother, Christians, tiny appartment. Christian has a girlfriend, Mirriam . Christian says he can stay. So he does for a while and it takes you to a few flash back of his dads beatings. He was at Christians beacuase he had been kicked out for taking his dads beatings for his mother who gets beat regularly. As Jace is staying at Christians it tells you a few secrets about Lauren, his ex and why he doesn't want to date. Jace's mother said she would go there on thanksgiving. She doesn't. And in the end everything is pretty much happily ever after! Sometimes I got so mad reading the book! I wanted to kill Jace. But other than that it was a B=Good(:

Monday, January 3, 2011

Unbelievable, Sara Shepard

Author:Sara Shepard
Published:June 1, 2008
My Rating: A
My Review:
Alright so I have like no followers haha, but whatever i'll get some.. I hopee.. Anyways, this is a Pretty Little Liar Series blog. The 4th book Unbelievable. I am about on page 300 out of 332. I am right now watching the marathon of Pll! Love the show! here is a link to the  most awesomest oppening!-->     Pll opening theme
Anyways now to the review: **SPOILER ALERT**  So we finally find out who A is!! Hallelujah! Yesss!! Okay i'm just gonna get to that part. They are at Hanna's new party that Mona and Spencer are throwing her for coming back from the hospital. Spencer suspects that Melissa is Ali's killer. Mona and Spencer are on there way to the police station. But Hanna remembers who A is!! And it is, SPOILER*..................... Omg it was Mona! I couldn't believe it! Hanna texted Spencer, she was so shocked! Mona found outer knew and took her to a secluded road. Mona started choking Spencer! Spencer kicked her and jumped out of the car. They starting fighting Spencer started running she tripped Mona but Spencer fell. And then she heard a.... CRACK!   -Marisa(:

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pretty Little Liars Series

My Pretty Little Liars Series Review (1-4)
This is my first blog post! (Btw) I'm a very colorful person so my posts may be pretty colorful at times. So this first post is about the Pretty Little Liars Series By, Sara Shepard. 1.Pretty Little Liars, 2.Flawless, 3.Perfect, 4.Unbelievable. The series starts with 5 girls Aria, Ali, Spencer, Emily, And Hanna. There Bff's, Ali is the queen bee of the group. She knows all of there secrets. Then Ali goes missing.They all get separated, they don't talk anymore. Then they start getting wierdo texts from -A. They don't know they are all getting them. Then they find Ali's body she was murdered. At her funeral they all get this text at the same time. I'm still here and I know everything -A. That was the 1st book. Flawless, it's not all that interesting they keep getting strange texts from A. 
Perfect, Okay this one is interesting. A is sending there families stuff about them of their secrets. Emily gets sent to Iowa, Aria gets kicked out of her house, Hanna gets hit by a car! and Spencer steps over the line. Hanna knows who A is and tells the girls to meet her at a park to tell them who A was then Hanna gets hit by A beacuase she knew to much- A. And i'm in the middle of number 4. But it starts off with Hanna in the hospital not remembering who A is.

2011 Book Challenge

My Challenge is to read 55 books or more so far i've read:
1.Perfect,Sara Shepard
2.Unbelievable,Sara Shepard
3.Split,Swati Avasthi
4.Wintergirls, Laurie Halse Anderson
5.Glass, Ellen Hopkins
6.Burned, Ellen Hopkins
7.Impulse, Ellen Hopkins
8.Living Dead Girl, Elizabeth Scott
9. The Summoning, Kelley Armstrong
10. An Abundance of Katherines, John Green
11. Some Girls Are, Courntey Summers
12. Bliss, Lauren Myracle
13. F My Life, Various
14. The Awakening, Kelley Armstrong
15. The Reckoning, Kelley Armstrong
16. Happyface, Stephen Edmond
17. Jinx, Meg Cabot